Tuesday, October 4, 2011


I read a ton of blogs.  I don't like to read but there is something about reading someone else's life.  It's not reality TV, it's real life.  This week each of my blogs have brought on the joys of fall.  Fall has entered our home too and we are loving every minute of it.  While other bloggers comment on how much they are enjoying the cooler weather, we are actually enjoying warmer weather.  Weather that has hit the 80's at least once this week.  Our fall is the opposite of others.... it doesn't confine us to our houses with warm blankets and pumpkin spice latte.  It has gotten us outdoors.  We are playing outside with our neighbors.  We are having frequent bonfires that fill our bellies with chard hotdogs and toasted marshmallows.  It brings a beautiful orange hue to the sky that sets on the ocean just begging you to dip your toes in the water.  (However, the water is still freezing.)












This is our family.... this is our family away from family.  I love them.  I love how we laugh and joke around and how we look out for each other's kids as if they were our own.  I love I never have worry about Izzy being ignored, pushed or mistreated because she too little.  The other kids treat her as if she was her sister.  We have each other's backs.  We have formed a tight knit group that only outsiders wish they could be a part of.  It's more then just a group of families bonded together by a common thread, military.  We somehow have made life long friends who know our ins and outs and just about everything about our families.  We trust each other.  I love it!!


Another thing I love.... getting to spend time with Lina.  We have done a lot of eating and laughing since she arrived.  She is amazing with Izzy and Izzy adores her.  It melts my heart when she calls her "sissy".  Lina has taught her ballet and sword fighting.  Izzy also calls her Nana since she cannot pronounce Lina.  It's still cute when she says "come on nana" when she wants Lina to play with her.  We still have one week left with Lina before she heads back to Germany.  We have lots of things

planned! IMG_2505

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