Thursday, July 28, 2011

Redwood Canyon

So here it is...

My sister was in town and we wanted to show her the redwood trees without having to drive 17 hours to northern california to bask in their glory.  Lucky for us there is a little patch of them just 30 minutes away down in Carmel... even luckier, we have friends that have already done the hike and wanted to go with us.  Now.... I'm not a hiker, maybe I thought I was once in high school when I was trying to impress some boyfriend, but I am not a hiker.  So as we started our journey into the forest straight up hill for the first half mile, I assumed the role as "the complainer".  You know if this was a movie I would be the first one to die or killed so that everyone else could eat my body to survive.  Fortunately for everyone I survived. 

 Nothing like a little starbucks frapaccino for Mrs. Preggers to get the hike started. 

Once the path evened out we crossed multiple streams (or it could have been the same stream that we crossed multiple times) to get to our destination. 

 Of course Teddy had to come with us.  He had to be rescued once by Auntie Em but rode in the backpack just fine with Miss Iz.

The trees were beautiful!!  It was almost as if they were reaching to the sky to touch the clouds. 

We found a little clearing to sit and eat our well deserved lunch.

 I absolutely love these three people in this picture with me!!  I can't get enough of them and unlucky for them, they can't get rid of me.  

For a brief moment I thought to myself.... well this is really peaceful.  I would love to come here by myself just to get away.  Then fear slapped me back into reality as I realized I'm afraid of everything.... the dark, that creature from "The Village", big foot, ghosts, sexual predators, being alone, noises I don't know where they came from, spiders, and anything else my active imagination could conjure up while sitting there alone.  

The two little girls seemed to enjoy this adventure too.  Izzy and Teddy took a little nap on the way up and Miss Edi took her little nap on the way out.  They both played in the dirt, leaves, roots, and sticks.  All in all, I'm glad I did it.  I'm glad I didn't get killed and eaten along the way.  I'm glad that Amanda (and maybe Josh) wanted to take me hiking again.  I'm also glad that I got to be a visitor amongst the gorgeous redwood trees!

 See Edi's little finger on the right?  She couldn't understand why or how Izzy was asleep.  She also tried several attempts to casually-accidently wake her up with a long stick.  

 Josh, the Army guy, decides to climb the trees to test Chris's, the Navy guy, theory that the branches are stuck in holes in the trees as he watches from the ground.  Not sure who is the smarter of the two. 

 I love this picture.  Not because me and Emily are in it but because Edi could care less about the trees or anything else going on around her but there are some really cool sticks out here.  

 Yup, passed this "little" guy on our way back.  He was taking a little sun bath on the side of the mountain. 
Edi was done.... for the next 20 minutes.... until we stopped for coffee and smoothies and then she was awake for the rest of the day.  Glad she wasn't my kid that day.  :)

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