I wasn't sure how meeting him this year would go over with Izzy. Sometimes she is weird with people and other times she has never met a stranger. I was hoping and praying that by talking about Santa each day leading up to the event would help ease her mind. We looked at pictures, sang songs, and talked about what Santa does. So the big night comes for Santa's arrival at Felicity's house. I was nervous. Enter Santa.....

Izzy looked, stared for a few minutes then walked her little Christmas dressed hiney right over to him, pushing her way past all the kids standing around and gave him a big ole hug!! It was priceless. Santa stopped what he was doing and hugged her right back.

As Santa made his way to his chair. Izzy sat across from him patently waiting for her turn to sit on his lap. I'm not sure what she was going to tell him, if she was going to say anything at all. She sat and sat and watched other kids get their time with Santa and leave with a gift. After about the 5th kid, she started getting antsy. She almost had a break down. Then it was her turn..... she crawled in his lap. Curled right up in his armpit, rubbed the fur on his coat and just snuggled. She didn't say anything. She just sat in his arms and cozied right up. She probably could have sat there all night. Once Santa realized she just wanted to cuddle he started to talk to her. Asked her if she has been good, what she wanted for Christmas and to take good care of her toys. She agreed to all.

The picture above was just before Izzy almost lost her schmidt if she wasn't next to see Santa.

I was also invited to sit on his lap. He was awesome. I'm sure glad I didn't break his leg but he asked me what I wanted. I was dumbfounded. What should I say.... so I said clothes! CLOTHES!?! Out of all the things I could have said, I said clothes. I'm definitely not the cool kid. hehehehe.

Izzy walked away from Santa excited about her gift. A webkinz reindeer. Again, he was the coolest and Felicity is awesome for having such cool clients. I am thankful we got that time with Santa. I'm hoping she remembers this next year. Santa isn't scary. He is totally awesome!!

Now that everyone is off from work until the new year. We have been busy. Cookies and playing.

Actually reading the recipe card out loud for Oma.

Izzy has also discovered my piano. She loves to think she is playing a song from the sheet music in front of her and singing along. She makes me sit and listen and sometimes dance. Her little fingers peck away at the black and white keys like she is a baby Mozart. She likes to listen to me play but she LOVES her music better.

Yup, those are big girl panties. We are slowly trying to get potty trained. She likes the panties but not the potty part. She hasn't peed in the potty but has pooed. It's a good start. I'm proud of her.

We have a whole week before Santa arrives. I can't wait to travel to AL to visit family and for Izzy's Christmas party tomorrow with her little friends and for more nights of just being with family.
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