This Sunday has been the best! We grocery shopped together, ate lunch together, played and laughed together, shopped at Best Buy (aka Adult Disneyland) and painted. We devoured TimTams with hot tea and hot cocoa. Filled our bellies with sushi and enjoyed the company of our neighbors where we celebrated Christmas before Izzy and I left for Georgia this week. What. An. Amazing. Day.

It's days like these I need to keep me rejuvenated for the next week when my husband will, again, pull 14 hour days at school. It's days like these that remind me that we are pretty cool parents and that we need to pause and watch her explore because she is growing up. When we were without a kid, you would always hear parents say "They grow up so fast". Now I can attest that they do. It's faster then so fast. It's like light speed. I want her to stay in this little body forever (minus the tantrums).
Our evening ended with two glowing lights in our house... the Christmas tree and the apple computer. It's back to work tomorrow but right now I will relish in the moment of reading "The Night Before Christmas" under the Christmas tree before bed.

Fourth picture is an Emily face!