Friday, January 27, 2012


I am night owl.  The darkness calls to me and makes me believe that if I got out of bed I could finish cleaning my house, finish my website, finish a lot of things that I start but never find the time or energy to finish.  I'm not allowed to be a night owl though for reasons that come inside a 3 foot tall child.  I couldn't function in the afternoons if I decided to accept the evenings invitation to party.  There wouldn't be afternoons of crafts, make believe and outings.  So I force myself into my bed at night and make my eyes close until sleep takes over my body.  I am thankful for it in the morning when duty calls.  I truly wonder if I would get everything done if I just stayed up one night.  Probably not because Facebook would lure me in and projects on Pinterest would call my name.  Of course, I would listen because I would hate to clean, make some noise and then wake the beast.




This is the infamous orange inside an upside down pepper shaker (aka. orange ice cream).  It's all the rage in our house.  If you haven't tried it, you should come over.  Obviously it's Izzy's favorite.



My darling husband playing Food Network with Miss Izzy.  He fits well in that kitchen.


So I've come to a conclusion... I can't do it all.  I know, it's crazy to admit but I just can't.  Some people blog everyday and every other day.  Me, I cannot.  So I have a new goal each week.  Friday will be my blogging days.  It will contain pictures from the week's adventures as well as my iPhone photos.  This way I can keep my house clean and do my job as a mother, wife and photographer.


PS. I got a new camera and it is freakin' awesome!!  I cannot wait to take more photos with this bad boy.

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