:: Izzy's Cookie Party
My mom is a brave soul. I could see me doing this in the future but it would never go off like it did at mom's house. She bravely and successfully had four toddlers make frosting, frost cookies and eat lunch together. All with handmade aprons and chef hats on. Each child went home with their decorated cookies on a plate, wrapped with delightful holiday saran wrap for them to enjoy later. Watch out Martha Stewart!

:: Cutout Cookie Decorating
An annual tradition that we continue to do each year. Several people have sat at this table and decorated masterpieces through the years. This year was no different as the intense display of Christmas cookie decorating commenced in our kitchen. There were moments of silence when the intensity was heightened with each stroke of the icing coated knife. Several cookies were produced that should have made it into a museum but only a few were worthy of the cutout cookie hall of fame.

I could possibly have the camera in Izzy's face too much. What do you think?

:: My Third Favorite Place
You've read about my favorite place (aka my happy place) and you probably can guess my second favorite place... my mom's house but my third favorite place is also so incredibley awesome!! It's a place where there are no rules, there is always commotion, there is a magical beer refrigerator in the garage, people think it's cool to wear blue and orange and the company is some of the finest people in Auburn, AL. Yes, it's my Aunt Donna's house. We traveled the two hour car ride to her home to celebrate Christmas a couple days early with her, my uncle, three cousins, grandparents, one dog, two puppies, one cat and a partridge in a pear tree!! As always, we had a blast!! We feasted on ham, hash brown casserole, green beans and rolls as well as a variety of other snacks. We drank and the magical fridge replenished itself with beer and our glasses were always full. It was fun!!

Providing us with another awesome portrait by "Donna the Great".

The next morning while my daughter stalked the kitty.....

This amazing man, my uncle, was creating a masterpiece called Chipped Beef. His is the best. Hands down. Think yours is better? I'll punch you in the face. He only used to make it on Sundays but since we travel afar to see them, we get that pot of gold whenever we want!! That's how the BoFines roll in Alabama!!

Okay, we know. Auburn won some kind of championship or something. (If you have not seen the game or would like to re-watch the championship game, they still have it on their DVR. They won't make you chipped beef though.)

:: Christmas Eve
We always spend Christmas Eve with Chris' family. We open all our gifts over at Aunt Mary and Uncle Darrell's house with Darrell and Lynda as well. Again, we ate. :) Isn't that what you do for the holidays? We opened gifts as soon as Darrell Sr. arrived home from work. Isabelle was more interested in helping everyone open their gifts then she was opening hers. It was a late night for all as we made our way home in hopes that Santa hadn't fallen asleep and missed our house completely.

Our first Christmas with Lynda and Darrell's dog Murphy. He is awesome too!

:: Christmas Day
As usual, Santa didn't forget or disappoint. We started opening presents at 9AM and the house was destroyed by 10. We stayed in our pajamas all day and that is just how I wanted it.
This is the Jesus drawer. This is were all the Jesuses are stored during December. Emily and I found them and we put them out while mom went to bed. It was an honor!! (Please ignore the chili pepper in red. He watches over and takes care of those little babies each year.)

Rocker face.
Christmas was fun this year but it wasn't what I was expecting out of Izzy. Her lack of understanding of Santa, him coming at night and her being good didn't make for a huge magical Christmas morning. She didn't tear through her presents with excitement and surprise. She was tired and cranky and very overwhelmed. However, at the end of the day she picked out her favorite gifts and played until 11:30PM. It was an exhausting day but it was fun. It was definitely more fun having a young child to share it with. I can't wait for next Christmas when she is three and half and she will truly know the meaning of Christmas and also the magic of Santa Clause.
Thank you to Santa Mosholder's, Santa Bells, Santa Bonine, Santa Gollihers, Santa Lewis, Santa Campbell and Santa Walkowicz for spoiling Izzy. We are truly blessed to have such an awesome and giving family.