Monday, April 18, 2011


Isn't it amazing the technology today?!  Not trying to sound like a grandma, but I remember my cell phone being to big to carry around (only used for emergencies), I owned a beeper, my camera was made by Kodak and I had to buy disposable flashes and the correct film speed and I had to walk to school-in-the-snow-up-hill-both-ways.   Okay maybe not that last part but technology has come a long way in my 30 years (gasp!!).  Introducing my third baby.... my iphone.  I was fortunate enough to be given my first iphone 3GS last mother's day and now I am rockin' the iPhone 4.  The picture quality is amazing.  Thurs I wanted to share some of the pictures that were taken with my iPhone 4 and my husband's iPhone 4. 

Just another day in the life of Miss Iz...

Thank you iPhone for always being there for me when my other camera is not around.  :)


Now on to the adventures that I started this weekend...

Ever watch the show "Extreme Couponing" on TLC??  Well I'm addicted.  I've watched several episodes and I'm hooked.  Not only am I hooked on the show, they made me believe that I could be an extreme coupon-er too!!!  It might be the idea of having a binder full of coupons organized by item or the thrill of using sissors to cut along the dotted lines every Sunday for items I think I should buy or the fact that I could save my family tons of money and sweep them away on a vacation away from this cold place in Monterey.  Either way... I'm giving it a try.  Now don't be judgmental, I'm not going to be that person with 1000 tubes of tooth paste or the lady that has enough diapers for a child for the first two year of their life (and she doesn't even have kids!!).  I am doing this for the stuff that I know we use all the time like laundry detergent, bread, snacks, wipes...etc.  I don't have to room to make a display of my stock and I don't have the motivation to move the stock every two years even if I had it.  Anyway... if you are interested in saving money too by couponing check out "I Am That Lady" website.  She has lots of tips on how to get started and organized.  Also how to plan your meals around your coupons.  She also does a match up coupon sheet for you each week to get the most out of your coupons.  It is a very helpful website.  

Okay and fianally another thing I have gotten into this weekend.  I know I know... I caved.  I wasn't going to do it but the peer pressure was just too much!!
While scrapbooking with the Scrapbooking Divas of Monterey, my divas started discussing this book... as soon as I heard "Are you team Edward or team Jacob" I totally tuned them out and started facebooking (instead of scrapbooking).  After zoning in and out of the long conversation of who should have really played Edward in the movie and other pariodies written about the movie and something about an author that won't give-in-to-something and that she is trying to drag this on as long as the Harry Potter legacy I got the dreaded question ... "Ashley, have you read the book?  Have you seen the movies?" I didn't know what to say at first.  I thought I might be shunned from the group if I said "no" and then I thought just pick a team, they will never know... oh wait, that might bring on more questions then I thought about lying.  Then I thought of the next best thing that always works in my favor since I am a math teacher ... I replied "I'm not a reader".  This is sooooo true.  If you are reading my blogs then you know.  I can't spell and my grammar is atrocious!  Thank God for spell check.  :)  So it began... "Oh these books are such an easy read.  You will be hooked after the first two chapters."  Then my gracious friend, Amanda, says "I have all the books at home.  I'll let you borrow the first one."  So as I dropped off my gracious friend at her home she brought out the book.  And there it sat staring at me from my passenger seat all the way home.  That black book with just a little silver writing on the side "Twilight".  It felt like it was whispering to me.  I kept shooting it sideways glances in hopes that it would shut up.  Then I got home.  The book spent the night in the car (sorry Amanda), I just wasn't sure if I was ready for this.  Does this mean I'm conforming?  Does this mean I'm about to lust after a teenage boy like every other mom that has fallen in love with this book?  Well folks, the next day I pulled the book out of the car and opened it.  I read and read and read.  I asked Chris if we could go to bed early just so I could read some more (not normal).  Then I woke up before Izzy this morning, showered, Izzy was still asleep and I was relieved so i could just get a few more moments with those pages.  And there you have it... I've been sucked in.  It is probably to my advantage that I haven't seen the movies or know nothing about the story line.  I am actually a Twilight series virgin. 

Well I must go.  It is nap time and I'm not going to lie, the book is calling my name again. 

Also coming in this week's blog.... Easter pictures!!  Be on the lookout!!

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