Saturday, April 9, 2011


There is nothing like a mom.  The way she smells, the way her skin feels, the image of her hands and fingers, the way she looks, acts, thinks, talks.  There is no one who you are more familiar with then your mom.  My mom.... well my mom is the best mom.  We've had our fair share of fights, rough times and moments where we wanted to quit but now that I'm older I appreciate and respect that "mama knows best".  I sit here and think... I should have listened to her when I was younger... I should have taken her advice when I was 15... WHY didn't I take her advice when I was 15?!?  Damn you hormones!!!  But now that I'm older I long for her advice.  I miss my mom and some times the phone calls are just not enough.  I need to be around her.  I need to feel her presence to know that I'm still attached to something that is familiar.  She still makes me frusterated sometimes and I know I do the same to her but when we get together, in person, ohhhhhhh how I cherish those moments now.  I long for more of those moments.  So cheers to summers off, airplanes, and sewing season!!  Thanks mom for one of the best weeks of my life!!!  

And let's not forget Omas. There is something special between a grandma and their grandchild.  There is a unspoken language between the two of them that lets each other know that Izzy can get away with anything and Oma will let her.  It's almost like a bond between a mother and child but more of a friendship that the child knows will never be broken.  Omas teach the fun things like the art of flicking sand off your toes and standing in the right spot just close enough for the ocean to kiss your toes and not drench your leg warmers.   

I hope that mom had as good of week as me and Izzy.  I know she made our time super special and it is going to be hard waiting 7 more weeks before we get to see her again.  

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