Friday, August 26, 2011

choices are made

So some choices have been made and just like everything with the Navy, nothing is ever final.  Here is the background story....

Chris had a chance to go to Singapore to earn another masters degree, leaving this April for six months.  Then we would return to Monterey for another year so that he could finish his masters degree that he started here.  I think there were about 30 applicants and as of last week they had narrowed it down to five. Chris being one of the five.  They were only selecting three to go, so that is what we were waiting on.  We went back and forth with the idea of going to Singapore.  Is it the right move for Chris?  Would Izzy and I join him?  Would we pack our things up and get rid of the house that we are renting which we absolutely love? Would Izzy and I just go back to Georgia for the six months? What happens now with our plans for a second baby?  It was a lot of grown up decisions to make.  And we made them.  We were going to pack everything up and the three of us were going to go on a wild journey to Singapore.  Enjoy the culture, their food and maybe earn a masters degree somewhere between all the fun we were going to have.

Well we found out today that he was not picked for the program.  While my heart gave a huge sigh of relief and my body did a little secret happy dance, my husband is deeply disappointed.  Today it is hard to talk to him about anything.  I'm trying to make  him realize the good that is coming from us staying.  He won't listen.  He wants to be mad.  So I am giving him today to be mad at the world, alone, and then we will move on.  Now here is a side note and why something is never final in the Navy.... he is the first runner up if someone out of the three who were picked decide they do not want to go.  Deep down my fingers are crossed for him even though it means I have to let go of a lot of things I am clinging to right now. 

Maybe we are going to get to go somewhere awesome next.  Somewhere where we can have bigger adventures and see more of the world.  Who knows? But for now, we put this behind us and we continue to wait for our options.  

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