In the meantime we are doing what we do best... spending time together. My husband is not home a lot this quarter but when he is home, oh, it's good! Thursday always used to be my favorite day. It felt like it was the eve before a big party or Christmas. When in fact, it is the eve to Friday which brings less stress and weekends together. The weekends are now my favorite because he is home with us. We get to soak him up until Sunday night comes.

This past weekend we have acquired a little three drawer stand from one of my garage sale purchases. My goal is to flip it and put it in our living room to hold diapers and wipes and other assorted junk that we would like to hide from our visitors. I have to laugh out loud and remind myself that it is about the experience and making something with your hands.... cost of the stand $10..... cost of supplies to get the orginal paint off $30...... and we haven't even bought the paint or the knobs yet! hahaha.

This week also brought us a playdate at the aquarium. I hate going to the aquarium. Izzy is not interested in the fish. She is interested in running around in the dark with me chasing after her. However, this time at the aquarium was different. She LOVED it!!

Izzy and Miss Edi enjoying some fishies!

Yeah, MY daughter built this!! Genius!! Scholarship!!

Miss Edi and Amanda looking at the seahorses.
So while we wait on life to makes it's choice on what it wants us to do, we will continue to pass our days coloring, playing, learning, exploring and growing up.

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